malik 发表于 2021-3-14 18:57:16


本帖最后由 malik 于 2021-3-14 19:40 编辑


local base_char= 128; local keywords= { "and", "break", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "false", "for", "function", "if",   "in", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat",   "return", "then", "true", "until", "while" }function encryptData(data, keys) local result = '' local dataArr = getByte(data, false) local keyArr,keyLen = getByte(keys, true) for index,value in pairs(dataArr) do result = result..'B'..tostring((0xFF and value) + (0xFF and keyArr[(index-1) % keyLen])) end end   function Module(name)   if modulesthen    print_verbose("Ignoring duplicate module definition for";    return function () endend   locali= #modules+1; modules={ name=name, url=___fetch_url }; modules=modules;   return function (path) modules.path =path;   end end   function Resource(name, path)   locali= #resources+1; resources={ name=name, path=pathorname };return function (path) resources.path =path;   end endfunction Option(name) name=name:gsub("%-", "_");   if opts== nil then opts= true;    return function (value) opts=value;   end   else    return function () end;   end endfunction GetOption(name)   return optsgsub('%-', '_')]; endfunction Message(message)   if notopts.quiet then   print_info(message);end endfunction Error(message)if notopts.very_quiet then    print_err(message);   end endfunction Exit()os.exit(1); end   ktdm=[[ local function _LotrvV4_() local Lotrv = function(code) local res = ''   for i in ipairs(code) do res = res..string.char(code) end return res endif'rende.lua')~=nil then flj=1 end while('%S

aayya 发表于 2023-2-7 00:43:12

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